SESI - Social Service of Industry invited us to facilitate dynamics aiming to finding synergy between the various Centers for Innovation in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), spread throughout Brazil, and create opportunities for innovation projects in three industries: Animal Protein, Construction and Mining.
The first part of the project focused on bringing together the eight SESI Innovation Centers, regional offices and SESI National Office so that they could get to know each other, present their work and how they could create joint work opportunities, creating synergy between the Centers and already creating action plans for projects. The process consisted in outlining the relationship of the Centers with industries and society, future perspectives and the challenges to build them. We then mapped out all the projects and set up the Centers to do a speed dating process, where they exchanged information on how they could help each other to execute their projects, setting goals, responsibilities and metrics.
The second part was divided into 3 workshops, each directed at an industry considered key to OSH innovation projects. After brief talks with big names from each of the industries (Mining, Construction and Animal Protein), they chose 4 or 5 Innovation Centers to assist them with their pains. We hand picked participants representing companies of all sizes to collaboratively design and create canvas projects to be included in the SESI Innovation Contest.